Finding Your Professional Passion

If you work doing something that you love, then suddenly working a job becomes your passion. That’s great if you know what you’re passionate about but sometimes it can be hard to pin down really what makes us tick. When searching for that great passion, try asking yourself some simple questions:

• What did you naturally like doing as a kid?
• What sorts of things intrigue you now?
• Who inspires you?

Finding a personal passion might take some time and self-reflection. Here are some simple tricks that you can do to help discover your own hidden passion.

Pay Attention to Your Energy Levels
Sometimes the hours and days seem to drag past, other times you feel energized and competent, like you could take on the world. Start paying attention to the things that give you energy. Start to track what projects at work you get lost in. Are there any types of news stories that snatch your interest immediately? These things might lead you to discover your passion.

Look for Patterns
Patterns can reveal a whole lot about who you are and what you might like to do for a living. Commonalities in things you do that raise your spirits and your motivational levels will often lead to what types of tasks you enjoy. Much like the section above, make note of what activities at work you enjoy completing. Maybe it’s problem solving, maybe it’s relationship building, or maybe it’s working with your hands or being outside.

Give Yourself Options
Once you have a broad sense of where your passions lie, start to figure out things that will give you the opportunity to work within those passions. If you love being outside then maybe landscaping is for you, or giving walking tours, or working in a nature preserve. If you love relationship building, you might be a great councilor, or a salesperson, or manager. Finding your passion isn’t always about finding the one and only career for you. Often you’re searching for generalities, that give you options for the sorts of things you can do that will help you stay energized and happy through the work day.

No matter your passion, we hope you have the opportunity to live it daily.
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